Now this is really weird... its a cobra holding a scorpion by its tail in its mouth, soaked in alcohol and perfectly placed into a bottle. Its in my lecturer's room at INTI and a student from Myanmar brought it for him. It really gives me the creeps...
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Snake wine
uploaded by
Jonathan Nathan
10:12 AM
1 people said something...
Monday, November 5, 2007
Kama Sutra condoms
Damn, what a way to encourage people to use condoms... just call it 'Kama Sutra'. I have never seen this brand before this and, seriously, from the way it is packaged, i don't think its that safe... So, the next time you need to have a 'quicky' JUST ASK FOR KAMA SUTRA!
uploaded by
Jonathan Nathan
8:47 AM
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Damn good internet speed...
I was downloading games and stuff in INTI on Saturday using a private IP address that normal students can't use in INTI (CCNA privileges LOL!). The speed shot up to 470kbps.... normal IP only gets 40kpbs max. About 40 seconds to download a 18MB file. Damn!
uploaded by
Jonathan Nathan
8:24 AM
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Friday, October 12, 2007
Lecturer Head-Banging to Shakira
Yes, he does that very often (in this pic he's watching Shakira's Tango on YouTube) and his favorite songs include Shakira's Tango, Las Ketchup, Bob Marley's Buffalo Soldier and songs from Britney Spears. By the way, Shakira is his favorite. LOL! It's true. He's my CISCO lecturer Mr. Kannan, the most brilliant lecturer in INTI by far. He's in his mid 40's and he's from India. I like hanging out with him because he's really fun.
uploaded by
Jonathan Nathan
5:58 PM
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My Toilet Is Becoming The Beach
If i die buried in sand in my apartment, this would be the cause. Out of nowhere sand has filled up my housemate's toilet. I guess it because of the rain and maybe the toilet's drain got clogged up but why sand??? By the way, the toilet tiles are actually blue... yes, its true. You can hardly see the tiles. Well, the owner promised to come and fix it but it would probably take awhile. Until then, I really want to stay alive...
uploaded by
Jonathan Nathan
5:49 PM
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Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Phone Pre-paid card called No BullS***
Wow! This is certainly funny. It's called No BullShit for some reason. I've only seen this in Nilai. Never ever seen it before this. I took this pic at a convenience store near my apartment block. "The Cheapest in the town" is their tag-line. I wonder if its really true.
uploaded by
Jonathan Nathan
6:41 AM
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Monday, September 24, 2007
INTI Nilai's Taxi Stand
Everything around area looks somewhat modern (because its a campus area) except for this thing. Its a wooden shack that is barely holding itself together. All day long taxi drivers just sit there and talk stories. They rarely even go out to look for customers. They depend on the fare they get from students who want to go somewhere from INTI. Just imagine, 8 to 10 drivers hang around there everyday and they would only get 1 or 2 passengers per day each on average. How do they survive??? Looks like being laid back does have its perks. No offense to taxi drivers :-)
uploaded by
Jonathan Nathan
9:32 AM
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Wednesday, September 12, 2007
SEGI College next to Liquor Store
Yes, this is actually very true. It's SEGI College in Petaling Street. It's conveniently located right next to a liquor store. I bet its easy for students to go down for some booze during class break. LOL! That would be fun.
uploaded by
Jonathan Nathan
6:47 AM
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Labels: Buildings
A long chocolate bar that says "Fun Time"
I know this sound crazy but i could help but notice this chocolate bar. What else is long, fits in your hand, and conveniently called "Fun Time".
Clue: It's a type of sex toy. Can you guess what it resembles?
uploaded by
Jonathan Nathan
6:30 AM
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Labels: Food
The Devil can...
We call this the devil can. Check out the expiry date (06/06/06) and you'll know why. We keep it in our apartment just for fun, maybe its a charm or something. LOL! But i pity the guy that drinks it. Beware the Devil can!
uploaded by
Jonathan Nathan
6:24 AM
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Labels: Supernatural
My clothes dryer invention
This one is a classic la, me and my engineering housemate came up with this stupid idea for hanging our clothes indoors. We had an extra bed frame in our apartment so we decided to transform it into a clothes dryer. It works, our clothes dry in like 2 or 3 hours after washing them in the washing machine and drying it on this.
uploaded by
Jonathan Nathan
6:18 AM
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Labels: Inventions
How to smuggle drugs into Malaysia
Drugs????? Why is it called Passin Spices and there's the word drugs on the packet as well??? Hurmmm... the customs officers must have been dozing off. LOL! Actually its some sort of spice that my Middle East housemate brought from his country. But the labeling is weird, got to admit that.
uploaded by
Jonathan Nathan
6:07 AM
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Labels: Substances